Once again, an ADDITIUM Full Scale Crash Test Facility has got a successful acceptance. In fact, the performances in terms of impact point and impact speed accuracy have been much better than expected and agreed by contract. This has a special relevance due to the high speed (until 120 km/h) and the high mass (until 20 Tons) available on this new Crash Test Laboratory. Also it has been a challenge the short downtime available to upgrade the existing facility.
This is a proof of the good combination of our advanced control system with the behaviour of our Nano-trolley, and the good job of our engineering team.
Customer is delighted to see that they will operate a state of the art facility, able to fulfil the most demanding performances, with a short term payback of the investment.
It is also the best way to demonstrate the reliability of ADDITIUM high-end products.
For further information, do not hesitate to contact us: info@additium.com