A complete Multi E-Launcher Test System, designed and supplied by ADDITIUM, has recently been successfully installed in Changchun Automotive Test Center (CATC) in Changchun, one of China’s first national automotive quality inspection and testing center.
The Multi E-Launcher System includes multiple modules to perform a wide range of tests: Pedestrian protection (Free-flight head test, lower and upper leg test), misuse test, linear guided headform test, body block, ejection mitigation, and more. Additionally, it includes many auxiliary equipment, like the Automatic Recovering Device, marking device, climatic chamber, lighting system, high speed cameras, … allowing testing in four independent areas to increase the productivity. This versatile system will help CATC conduct a wide range of tests with efficiency and precision, elevating it to a world-class integrated platform for testing, experimentation, and certification.
We’re proud of this successful installation and look forward to continuing the collaboration with CATC. We’re glad to contribute to the development in the Automotive Testing Field.
For more information, please contact us: info@additium.com