The past 10 and 11 of September, the company Q`Straint hosted the Annual General Meeting of the European Mobility Group.

AMG-JFH-LRDuring two days, the major European companies dedicated to providing mobility solutions for people with mobility disabilities had the opportunity to discuss and meet each other in a relaxed and charmingly British environment. Along the different sessions, it was possible to check the latest technological advances and regulatory aspects that increasingly regulate this sector in a more comprehensive manner.

Q’Straint offered an interesting tour around its Passive Safety test facilities which includes a crash simulator HY-GE and the recent and innovative Seat Belt Anchorages test system (SBA) equipped with servo-electric actuators.

In this context, Jorge Fernández Heredero, Project Manager, contributed with a presentation on the evolution of passive safety test systems, a general overview of technological trends and, in particular, the SBA innovative system recently installed.


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